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leiditechsh | 2024-04-02 18:43:58    阅读:215   发布文章

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2. 为什么DC POWER需要TVS浪涌防护

TVS 浪涌防护可以提供以下保护作用:

1. 过电压保护:TVS 可以快速响应并抑制过电压浪涌,将电压限制在安全范围内,以防止设备受到过高电压的损坏。

2. 快速响应时间:TVS 具有极快的响应速度,可以在纳秒级别内响应浪涌,从而提供即时的保护。

3. 低箝位电压:TVS 可以将过电压浪涌箝位到较低的电压水平,以减少对设备的影响。

4. 高能量吸收能力:TVS 能够吸收大量的浪涌能量,将其分散到地面,保护设备免受损坏。

5. 可靠性高:TVS 是一种可靠的浪涌保护器件,具有长寿命和稳定的性能。

通过使用 TVS 浪涌防护,直流电源可以更好地应对雷电冲击、电源故障、感性负载开关等引起的浪涌,保护连接的设备免受损坏或故障。这有助于提高设备的可靠性、稳定性和寿命。

需要注意的是,选择合适的 TVS 浪涌防护器件时,应根据具体的应用环境、工作电压、浪涌能量等因素进行综合考虑,并遵循相关的设计规范和标准。

3.DC POWER (1.8V-48V) 静电浪涌保护ESD部分产品列表


Leiditech围绕EMC电磁兼容服务客户,自建免费实验室为客户测试静电ESD(30KV)、群脉冲EFT(4KV)、浪涌(8/20,10/700 10/1000)、汽车抛负载(7637 5a/5b)和元器件的性能测试等。Leiditech紧跟国内外技术更新脉搏,不断创新EMC保护方案和相关器件,目标方向为小封装,大功率,为国产化替代提供可信赖方案和元器件。


产品信息:Information of TVS

The transient Voltage Suppressor, referred to as TVS, the TVS operates by shunting excess current when the induced voltage exceeds the avalanche breakdown potential. It is a clamping device, suppressing all over voltages above its breakdown voltage. It automatically resets when the overvoltage goes away, but absorbs much more of the transient energy internally than a similarly rated crowbar device.

The selection tips of TVS

1. The Vrwm of TVS should be more than 10% working voltage and tolerance, that protect the Max DC or continuous working voltage of circuits. If the Vrwm is too low, the device will affect the normal work of the circuits because of the snow slide or reverse electric leakage. The current will be divided in the parallel circuit and the voltage will be divided in the serial circuit.

2. The VC of TVS should be less than the damaged voltage of protecting circuits.

3. The Ppp of TVS should be more than the possible peak pulse of protecting circuits.

4. The Ipp of TVS should be more than the surge current of transient circuit.

5. For the lightning protection of data interface circuit, the semiconductor ESD of low capacitance is better.

6. The selection of TVS’ polarity and encapsulation structure should based the application. For the AC circuit, the dual polarity TVS is better, and for the Multi-line protection, the ESD array of semiconductor is better.

